Jurnal Akuntansi Prima, Volume V, Nomor I, Januari 2017, ISSN: 2088-6136

Selasa, 25 Juli 2017 14:58 | Sudah dibaca 980 kali

PT Umada Medan is a company enganged in palm oil plantation. The company profitability is influenced by some financial factors which can be measured by finance ratio. The objective of the study is to analyze whether or not variables such as working capital turnover and finance leverage has influence on finance performance. Indicator which was adopted to measure working capital is Working Capital Turnover, to measure the financial Leverage is Debt to Asset Ratio while Return On Asset is used to measure finance performance. The method used is this research is quantitative research method, with quantitative research type, and the research characteristics is descriptive explanatory. The data collection method adopted is interview and observation. Data analysis method used is multiple regression. The population are financial report of PT Umada Medan from 2008 – 2011. The total sample of research are 48. The study finding reveals that the only variable of Working Capital Turnover has partially effect to Return On Asset. Meanwhile variable of Debt to Asset Ratio partially does not have significant effect on Return On Asset. Of the simultan testing, Working Capital Turnover and Debt to Asset Ratio has significant effect on Return On Asset. The research concludes that Working Capital Turnover and Debt to Asset Ratio simultaneously affect Return On Asset and partially only variable of Working Capital Turnover significantly affect on Return On Asset, while Debt to Asset Ratio does not have effect on Return On Asset.

Kata Kunci: Working Capital Turnover, Leverage Finance, Financial Performance