Journal Tazkiya of Psychology, Volume 19, Nomor 2 Oktober 2014

Selasa, 12 September 2017 09:45 | Sudah dibaca 906 kali

Anxiety in the exam is a manifestation of mixed emotions and reactions experienced by the individual as the exams that can affect the physical and psychological, such as: fear, worry about the ability to answer the questions in the exam. For some of the students' exam is regarded as something that already should be done, but some consider the test as something that is perceived as coercive and is considered a threatening situation. The study was conducted to determine differences between test anxieties in theface of regular program students with high school students in the accelerated program Al-Azhar Medan. The sample used in this study amounted to 66 people consisting of 33 people from the accelerated program students of class XI/\ XII (taken entirely) and 33 men from the regular program class XII students (using random sampling techniques). Measurement tool used in this study were anxiety scale in the exam. Test different power aitem using Pearson product moment technique and test results obtained by using try out unused. The technique used to measure anxiety in the face of the scale reliability test is Cronbach's coefficient alpha (a), and alpha values obtained crobach 0.955. It is claimed that the scale of anxiety in theface of the test is reliable by using SPSSfor Windows Release 12.0. The results of the data analysis showed that Ha is rejected, which means that there is no difference between test anxiety in the face of regular program students and students in high school acceleration programs Private Al-Azhar Medan. It is known from the results of the test t-test with a = 0. 05 where anxiety scores in the exam shows the results of significance t = - 0.143 and p = 0.887, where p> 0. 05. Based on the average values have been obtained in this study, it can be seen that the empirical mean anxiety in students Acceleration program e = 120. 79is 120. 79 lower than the hypothetical mean is 130 (< h = 130), but still middle category. Similarly in the Regular program students, concern the empirical mean 121.61 e = 121.61lower than the hypothetical mean is 130 (< h = 130), but still in the moderate category. In general, it is stated that in the exam anxiety experienced by students and student programs Regular Acceleration program is lower than the average population is assumed.

Kata Kunci: Anxiety in the exam, students an regular class, and students an accelerated class