Jurnal Akuntansi Prima, Volume VII, Nomor I, Januari 2017

Rabu, 13 September 2017 12:13 | Sudah dibaca 858 kali

The plantation is one of the sectors that are considered able to survive and make a significant contribution in the post-crisis economic recovery. Therefore, the plantation has an important and strategic role in the economy, especially in improving the prosperity and welfare of the people, through the export revenue of the country, providing jobs, meeting the needs of domestic consumption, industrial raw materials in the country, added value and acquisition competitiveness as well as the optimization of the management of natural resources must be organized, managed, protected and utilized in a planned, open, integrated, professional and responsible, so as to improve the economy of the people, nation and state.The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship plantation sector and the impact of the plantation sector gross output, labor and households in the economy in North Sumatra. In measuring and analyzing the tables used are Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) or a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of North Sumatra. In connection table SAM North Sumatra province is not yet available, therefore in this study was built tables SAM 1995 and 2009, the structure refers to the processed products which have been built by Ginting (2006). Based on the analysis it appears that the role of plantations in North Sumatra as indicated by the results obtained have power spread index greater (>1) means the plantation sector has the ability to attract growth in upstream sectors (backward linkages). In addition, this sector has a multiplier of gross output of more than three, which means when in the injection of one unit in this sector, then the resulting output has tripled over the breadth of the effect of forward and backward. And based on the order of rank, occupies five large estates.

Kata Kunci: Plantation sector, Sensitivity Deployment, Effects Forward and backward Breadth