Jurnal Manajemen Prima, Volume VII, Nomor II, Juli 2017

Rabu, 13 September 2017 12:16 | Sudah dibaca 983 kali

The objective of the research was to analyze some factors which influenced consumers’ interest and decision to buy organic food products. The problems of the research were as follows: how about the influence of attitude, subjective norm, and behavioral control on interest in buying organic foods, how about the influence of behavioral control on decision to buy organic foods, and how about the influence of buying interest on consumers’ decision to buy organic foods in Brastagi Supermarket, Medan. The research used a survey method, and the type of the research was descriptive quantitative and explanatory research. The population was all consumers who go shopping to Brastagi Supermarket, and 100 of them were used as the samples, taken by using accidental sampling technique. The hypothesis was tested by using multiple regression and simple regression analyses at the significance level (α) = 5%. It was found that, simultaneously, attitude, subjective norm, and behavioral control influenced buying interest. Partially, subjective norm and behavioral control had significant influence, while attitude did not. Behavioral control had dominant influence on buying interest (0.319) and subjective norm on buying interest (0.319), compared with attitude (0.083) and subjective norm (0.297) on buying interest. Behavioral control had the influence on the decision to buy organic foods (0.475). Buying interest influenced the decision to buy organic foods at 0.400. This research is expected to become the guidelines for the management of Brastagi Supermarket as the organic food marketer in maintaining consumers’ attitude, subjective norm, and behavioral control as the factors which influence consumers to buy organic foods, and buying interest as the good predictor for the decision to buy organic foods

Kata Kunci: Attitude, Subjective Norm, Behavioral Control, Buying Interest, Decision to Buy