Jurnal Manajemen Prima, Volume VII, Nomor II, Juli 2017

Rabu, 13 September 2017 14:23 | Sudah dibaca 1060 kali

Target of this research is to know Influence of The Professional Competence and The Motivation to The Lecture Performance of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the Islamic University of North Sumatra. Pursuant to data evaluation and analysis, hence obtained result of research as follows. Equation of regresi in this research is Y=6,902+0,445X1+0,461X2. Above equation explaining that coefficient regresi have positive value that is 0.445, this matter indicate that interest variable have positive influence to lecture performance. There are any policy conducted to improve professional competence hence will affect positive to lecture performance. Coefficient of Regresi also have positive sign with value 0.461. This matter indicate that motivation variable have positive influence to lecture performance. There are any policy conducted to improve motivation hence will affect positive to lecture performance. To know by partial influence of professional competence to lecture performance, obtained by value of thitung equal to 2.626 and value of significance 0.013, while value of ttabel at trust storey; level 95% (a: 0,05) is 2,03951. Because of value of thitung > ttabel (2.626 > 2,03951) hence H0 is refused and accept hypothesis in this research that is that professional competence have an effect on positive and significant to leture performance of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the Islamic University of North Sumatra. To know by partial influence of motivation to lecture performance, obtained by value of thitung equal to 3.207 and value of significance 0,003, while value of ttabel at trust storey;level 95% (a: 0,05) is 2,03951. Because of value of thitung > ttabel ( 3.207 > 2,03951) hence Ho refused and accept hypothesis in this research that is that motivation have an effect on positive and significant to lecture performance of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the Islamic University of North Sumatra. Assess R Square is 0,430, this matter indicate that 43% professional competence variable and motivation have an effect on positive to lecture performance, while the rest equal to 57% explained by unpacked into by other variable of this research model or influenced by other factors which do not check.

Kata Kunci: Professional competence, motivation, lecturer performance