Jurnal Manajemen Prima, Volume VII, Nomor I, Januari 2017
Rabu, 13 September 2017 14:33 | Sudah dibaca 1147 kali
Current account balance (NTB) describe the external conditions Indonesia. The balance of the current account is always fluctuated and tend to decrease impact on the Indonesian economy. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing Factors Affecting Current Account Balance in Indonesia. Adjustments are made to improve the conditions of the current account towards to equilibrium. The data used is secondary data obtained from Bank Indonesia, Bureau of Statistics Indonesia and the Federal Reserve Bank Indonesia that are the current account, the money supply, international interest rates, exchange rates, domestic prices and domestic income (real GDP). The data used are annual data from 2000 to 2013. The model used in this research is multiple linear regression equation using techniques analysis error correction model (ECM). Based on the survey results revealed that the independent variables that significantly influence Indonesia's current account balance is the money supply and the exchange rate rupiah against the US dollar. While the level of international interest rates, domestic prices and domestic revenue is not significant to the current account of Indonesia in 2000-2013. Efforts to balance the current account in the short term to do with monetary policy, namely the stabilization of the exchange rate policy in the foreign exchange market, and setting the amount of money in circulation. However, in addition to monetary policy, the government can also make fiscal policy as an effort to respond to monetary policy could be a reduction in government spending through imports mainly oil and gas imports, import quotas, and the making of regulations that facilitate the development of international trade, especially for export transactions, maintaining price stability and build creative economy in order to support the development of business in the country.
Kata Kunci: Current Account Balance, Money Supply, Interest Rate, Exchange Rate, Domestic Price, Domestic Income