Ilmu Hukum Prima, Volume II, No. 1 September 2012

Senin, 22 Juli 2013 12:05 | Sudah dibaca 859 kali

The principle of legal protection of children should be in accordance with the United Nations and the international conception of articles in the Convention on the rights of the child Adopted by the general assembly of the united nations on 20 November 1989 which states that children as victims and not as delinquent, so the handling of the child should be referred the philosophy of children as victims and not as delinquent and to avoid and keep children out of the judicial process in order to avoid stigmatization of children in conflict with law and children are expected having normal life in a social environment. Children has the mental development is in unstable, so they shouldn’t be handled on more legal punishment oriented but more on the action-oriented treatment. Children needed a more action-oriented legal interests of the child and in accordance with the conception of human rights. With the Law No. 11 of 2012 concerning the juvenile justice system reform law with many reforms is expected to be one in the future to realize the humanist concept of handling children by protecting all interests and rights of children.

Kata Kunci: Sistem Peradilan Anak; Peradilan Anak Yang Humanis