Jurnal Manajemen Prima, Volume VIII, Nomor I, Januari 2018
Rabu, 28 Maret 2018 13:00 | Sudah dibaca 864 kali
Land conversion is rife, it is because the policy does not specifically provided by the government and not utilizing the correct legal procedures, development politics obscure and not integrated so that there is a pragmatic development. Poor condition are small farmers who can not afford a small rice paddy acreage conversion for plantations initial investment costs are high. Many strange sights which the narrow paddy fields surrounded by palm plantations in North Sumatra and some small paddy farmers have sold to wealthy farmers to oil palm plantations. There are several factors that cause this to happen. This study tried to look at the cause of some of the factors that influence the occurrence of food crop paddy land conversion to oil palm plantations in North Sumatra. The data used in this study is a secondary data in the form of time series data and primary data in the form of questionnaires to farmers in the form of an interview. The analytical method used for secondary data is Ordinary Least Square (OLS) with analysis software program Eviews version 7.1. While the methods of analysis used for primary data is the probit logit models. From the results of the dilakuakan peneliian, farmers exchange rate, index petanaman, the benchmark price of imported rice and government jointly significant effect on the occurrence of food conversion. Partially, respectively, the negative effect of exchange rate farmers, cropping index of negative affect, positive affect import prices and the government benchmark has positive influence on the occurrence of food conversion. (2) The results of the logit model analysis of income negatively affect the food conversion. And the results of the probit model states that the level of education of farmers under the elementary school land conversion of food is equal to (84%) and less educated above primary school land conversion of food (41%).
Kata Kunci: exchange rate farmers, cropping index, the import of rice, the price of benchmark government