Jurnal Ilmu hukum Prima, Vol. 1, No.1, Januari 2017, ISSN: 2088-5288

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018 12:08 | Sudah dibaca 842 kali

Legal protection on banking customers is a challenge that affects directly to most people. In addition, educating the community about the services and products offered by the banking needs to be promoted so that the public can understand the risks and benefits that will be faced in the use of banking services and products. The research used a normative juridical research method or legislation approach. Normative legal research is used by the legal interpretation focus, and construction law to obtain legal norms, conception, inventory of rule of law and the application of the law. In the revocation of a bank, the government passed Law of LPS so that bank customers are not harmed. Protection of customers due to the liquidation of a bank is stipulated in the Banking Law and the Law on the OJK. All the bank's assets are confiscated by LPS which is in charge at the same time paying customer deposits funds. Customers who experience problems in banking, especially the return of deposits can make a complaint directly at the OJK office.

Kata Kunci: bank, legal protection, depositor, liquidated bank