Jurnal Kesmas Prima Indonesia, Vol.4, No. 1 Januari 2017

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018 20:37 | Sudah dibaca 799 kali

The number of visits at Padang Bulan Health Center in January-May 2016 was 13 659 visits. With the large number of such visits, health workers were less effective in communicating with patients. In health care, good interpersonal communication will be easier for patients to receive the messages delivered by health professionals and it was very important in influencing the level of patient satisfaction. This research was conducted in Padang Bulan Health Center in July 2016. The research design was analytic survey with cross sectional design with respondents who have had at least 2 visits consisting of 95 people. This study aims to determine the relationship of interpersonal communication of health workers in health center of Padang Bulan in 2016. Based on the statistical test using Fisher exact test, the results showed interpersonal communication based on openness with the p-value (0.000) <α (0.05), based on empathy with p-value (0.009) <α (0.05), based on the attitude of favor with the p-value (0.046) <α (0.05), based on a positive attitude with pvalue (0.573)> α (0.05), on an equal basis with the p-value (0.049) <α (0.05). The conclusion from this study stated that there is a relationship of openness of health workers with patient satisfaction, there is a relationship being supportive health professionals with patient satisfaction, and there is not any relationship between positive attitude of health workers with patient satisfaction, and there is a relationship of between equality of health workers with patient satisfaction. It is expected that health workers who work in Padang Bulan Health Center continue to improve interpersonal communication and medical services at the department public relations in order to create good communication between health workers and patients.

Kata Kunci: Interpersonal Communication, Patient Satisfaction