Asian Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1992-1454

Selasa, 18 September 2018 23:01 | Sudah dibaca 861 kali

Background and Objective: Competence refers to knowledge, skills, abilities and traits. It is gained in the health care professions through pre-service education, in-service training and study experience. Based on some nursing education institution reports, few nursing graduates are competent and ready for professional work. Measuring competence is essential to determine the ability and readiness of health workers to provide quality services. In order to improve nursing competence, there have been some efforts made by nursing education institutions in Indonesia. The research objectives were, firstly to explore needs analysis of nursing clinical competency at hospitals in Indonesia and overseas, secondly to design training module for improving nursing clinical competence based on the results of needs analysis. Methodology: This research applied developmental research method, planning, conducting and reporting the results. The research data were the result of in depth-interview with 3 senior nurse managers of 3 hospitals, FGD with nursing students and nursing clinical competency assessors concerning required nursing clinical competencies and the results of the needs analysis were taken as a basis for constructing a training module for improving quality of nursing clinical competence applying developmental research design. Results: The results of FGD revealed that 8 nursing competency domains need to be well comprehended by nursing graduates covering 32 major clinical competencies. From the needs analysis, a training module for improving nursing clinical competency was arranged and developed to meet requirements as stated in needs analysis. The designed module has proved to be effective in improving clinical competency of nursing graduates as observed in simulation assessment model. Conclusion: Based on the results, it is concluded that nursing clinical competence can be improved by using needs analysis and well designed training module that directly touches the required nursing clinical competence in practice.

Kata Kunci: Nursing clinical competence, module, needs analysis, development research, nursing education