Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Volume Penjualan Sepeda Motor Yamaha Mio Soul Pada PT. Alfa Scorpii Sentral Yamaha Medan

Jurnal Akuntansi Prima Volume VIII, Nomor II Tahun 2018

Jum'at, 22 Februari 2019 13:56 | Sudah dibaca 650 kali

PT.Alfa Scorpii is an authorized Yamaha motorcycle dealer company. The problem to be answered the answer in connection with the company is to know whether the influence of personal selling (personal selling) to increase sales volume Yamaha Mio Soul at PT. Alfa Scorpii Sentral Yamaha Medan, the influence of sales promotion (sales promotion) to increase sales volume Yamaha Mio Soul at PT. Alfa Scorpii Sentral Yamaha Medan. And to know the influence of personal selling (sales and sales promotion) to sales volume increase Yamaha Mio Soul at PT. Alfa Scorpii Sentral Yamaha Medan. In connection with the above, the study was conducted by secondary data collection method that is data obtained directly from the company. In line with the problem and the research hypothesis, this research is conducted by using case study method with data collection through interview, and documentation study and with multiple linear regression analysis, F test, and t test and classical assumption test.From the process of interviews and documentation studies obtained data that there are several assumptions that affect the rise and fall sales volume Yamaha Mio Soul at PT. Alfa Scorpii Sentral Yamaha Medan, and on this occasion the author discusses two factors including promotions and prices. Companies only use promotions only at certain times only, while for prices changed in 1 year in 2016 and sales volume been increase and decrease. although there are variables that do not have a significant influence, then the company must still pay attention in terms of promotion and pricing appropriate for customers do not feel disappointed and the company can achieve sales targets

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