Psikologi Prima, Volume 4 No. 2 Tahun 2013

Senin, 22 Juli 2013 16:05 | Sudah dibaca 1259 kali

The research aims at identifying relationship between self-efficacy and cheating behavior. The hypothesis drawn on the research is there is a negative relationship between self efficacy and cheating behavior, with an assumption that the higher self efficacy, the lower cheating behavior of one will be, or vice versa. The subjects of the research are 71 students of SMA Panca Karya selected by proportional stratified random samplings technique. Data were derived by using a scale to measure self efficacy and cheating behavior. The statistical calculation was conducted by prerequisite test (assumption test) consisting of spread normality testing and relation linearity testing. The data analysis used by employing Product Moment correlation by SPSS program for Windows. The result of data analysis reveals that correlation coefficient - 0,740 with p-value 0,000 (p < 0,05). This indicates that there is negative correlation between self efficacy and cheating behavior. The result of the study also shows that the contribution of self efficacy variable to cheating behavior with 54,8 percent and the rest 45,2 percent is influenced by other factors which have not yet been investigated. Based on the result research, it is concluded that the hypothesis stating that there is a negative relationship between variable of self efficacy and cheating behavior can be accepted.

Kata Kunci: cheating behavior, self efficacy