The Analysis of Illocutionary Acts on Sidney Sheldon’s Rage of Angels

ELT PRIMA JOURNAL VoL.1, No. 1, June 2015, ISSN 2338-7548

Kamis, 04 April 2019 12:30 | Sudah dibaca 812 kali

The study focuses on the analysis of meaning of speech act, that is, illocutionary acts on one of the Sidney Sheldon’s work - Rage of Angels. Speech acts can be performed when we focus on what people use language for, what person is doing with words in particular situation, the intention, beliefs and wants that a speaker has in speaking. The analysis of illocutionary acts on Sidney Sheldon's Rage of Angels is focusing on literal and direct illocutionary act associated with non literal and indirect acts, literal and direct associated with literal and indirect, non literal and direct associated with non literal and indirect, and non literal and direct associated with literal and indirect.

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