The Effect Of Competency And Work Dicipline On Employee Performance At PT Jasa Marga LTD At Medan Balmera Branch

Jurnal Manajemen Prima Volume VIII, Nomor II Juli 2018

Selasa, 16 April 2019 15:31 | Sudah dibaca 938 kali

PT. Jasa Marga Ltd, at Medan Belmera Branch is a company engaged in the field of highway service. There is a decrease in employee performance in this company caused by lack of competence and work discipline. From the description above, this research problem formulated as follows: How influence competence on employee performance? Does work discipline affect employee performance? Does competence and work discipline affect employee performance? This research uses some theories related to competence and work discipline affect the performance. This research uses quantitative approach, this research type is descriptive quantitative and nature of this research is causal relation. The analytical method used is multiple linear regressions. The population of this research are all employees of PT. Jasa Marga Medan, Ltd at Belmera Branch, amounting to 75 people, 30 employees from PT. Waskita Karya will be used for validity test. Samples of this research were drawn by using saturated sampling. The results of this study indicate that simultaneously, competence and work discipline positively and have an impact on employee performance at PT. Jasa Marga Medan Belmera Branch. Partially, competence and work discipline have a positive and significant impact on employee performance at PT. Jasa Marga Ltd, at Medan Belmera Branch. The result of test of determination coefficient shows that 62,5% variation of employee performance variable can be explained by competence variable and work discipline variable, F test result is 62,714 and t test result from competence variable is 7,495 and discipline variable is 3,165. Based on all research result, it is concluded that competence and work discipline have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT. Jasa Marga, Ltd Medan Belmera Branch

Kata Kunci: Competence, Work Discipline, Performance