PRIMA PLANTERS, Volume 4 No. 2 Mei 2017, ISSN: 2339-2916

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A village of Buntu Bayu, sub-district Hatonduhan is one area in Simalungun which is palm oil producing region in the province of North Sumatra. The location has good potential, reachable, and it is strategically located close by two of the Agent locations, Namely PT. Sinar Tenera and PTP IV Mandoge. In marketing efforts farmer assisted by a small agent. The purpose of this study is to identify the path / channel function and structure of the palm oil marketing agencies in Buntu Bayu village, subdistrict Hatonduhan, district Simalungun, Calculating the efficiency of marketing on palm oil in Buntu Bayu village, subdistrict Hatonduhan, district Simalungun. The data is processed and analyzed by qualitative and quantitative methods to determine the efficiency of palm oil marketing channels. Qualitative analysis research of marketing efficiency channel of oil palm include agencies and marketing channels, with marketing function.Qualitative analysis research of marketing efficiency channel of palm oil is described descriptively to spell out all the details of marketing channels, marketing functions, and problems occur. While Quantitative analyzes made through a marketing margin, farmer’s share, and the ratio of benefits to costs. Based on the analysis concluded that the marketing system through the marketing channels are more efficient agent. This marketing channel which should be used by farmers in Buntu Bayu village, subdistrict Hatonduhan, district Simalungun. Another alternative is applied farmers are improving the quality of fresh fruit bunches, small agent, maintain the quality of fresh fruit bunches (TBS ), and follow the information on the price of fresh fruit bunches (TBS), and market developments.

Kata Kunci: palm oil, marketing system, efficiency of marketing channels