Media Prima Sains, Volume 7, Nomor 1, Juli 2012

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013 16:35 | Sudah dibaca 917 kali

Medan city report in 2007 the prevalence of nutritional status of school age children (6 -14 years) according to BMI/U divided by sex for skinny category 11.1% in men and 7.4% in women, where as for weight categories over 16.5% in men and 13.4% in women.

The research aims to determine the nutritional status of relations with the learning achievement of children in SDN 060936. The study was “observational” approach and quantitative research design “Cross Sectional” which examined the independent ang dependent variables simultaneously. The samples with “Porposive sampling, ie choosing a samples based on the nature and characteristics of the population that is already known from the preliminary survey. Population were students of class I to V SDN 060936 110 Medan Johor as many students. The samples used were grade I, II and III SDN 060936 Medan Johor by 75 students.

With a BMI index/U children’s nutritional status SDN 060936 Medan Johor majority is normal that 47 people (62.7%). Learning achievement of children SDN 060936 Medan Johor majority is enough that 37 people (49.4%). From the result of the bivariate analysis of the obtained results of chi-square test with a significance level (α) = 0.05 of the obtained results so P= 0.004 P< 0.05 then Ho is rejected, it means that there is a relationship between the nutritional status of student achievement.

There is a relationship between the nutritional status of children with learning achievement in Medan Johor SDN 060936 in 2013. Expected need for improvement of the nutritional status of students lacking a normal nutritional status, the need for the participation of teachers and students and guardians educate students about eating right and healthy.

Kata Kunci: Nutritional Status, Learning Achievement