Media Prima Sains, Volume 1, Nomor 2, Februari 2013

Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013 16:58 | Sudah dibaca 916 kali

Riskesdas 2010 showed 40.6 per cent of the population consume foods below minimum requirements (less than 70% of the Recommended Daily Intake / RDA), which has been recommended. Prevalence of infant malnutrition of 17.9 percent of which 4.9 percent were malnourished. Prevalence of underweight children under five nationally was 13.3 percent.

We aimed to determine the relationship of Food Consumption Nutritional Status of Children in Kindergarten (TK) Al-Kasyfi. Research time in February 2013. This type of research is an analytical survey research, the cross-sectional research design. The study population was all children learn in kindergarten totaled 42 children, and the entire sample is the mother or the child care kindergarten totaling 42 people. Data processed manually and computerized, relationships with cross-tabulation analysis and chi-square test.

The results, of the 42 children the majority of children eat a good amount of 23 children. For the majority of the 40 types of food children eat better frequency. 33 kinds of food for the majority of the foods children are met. And for the majority of the nutritional status of 32 children had normal nutritional status. There is a relationship between the number of meals with the nutritional status of the value of p = 0.032 < α=0.05. No association with frequency of eating nutritional status with p = 0.720> α=0.05. No association with nutritional status of foods with a value of p = 0.079> α=0.05.

Respondents expected to pay attention, especially mothers intake of food consumption, and the associated educational institutions are expected to provide an understanding of good and nutritious eating, and doing weight monitoring program each month.

Kata Kunci: Food Consumption, Nutritional Status