Vol I No. I Januari 2016

Jum'at, 07 Oktober 2016 15:49 | Sudah dibaca 957 kali

This study aims to find out: 1) Do the physical work environment and communication affect employees' performance at PT. Sumatera Berlian Motors Medan and 2) What factors do most significantly affect the physical work environment and communication on the performance of employees at PT. Sumatera Berlian Motors Medan. The populations are 230 employees of PT. Sumater Berlian Motors Medan.

Respondents as samples were taken from the population. Sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling. By using Slovin formula, the number of samples drawn were 146 employees. The method of dat analysis used in this research is Multiple Regression Analysis and Analysis of coefficient of determination (R2).

The results showed that: 1) factors that affect the performance of the employee shows that the physical work environment factors have a positive effect on employee performance as indicated by the variable coefficient in which the physical work environment factors are positive, while the communication factor has a positive effect on employee performance. 2) from the analysis of the factors affecting the performance of employees, the most dominant variables affecting the performance of employees is the physical work environment. This is evidenced by the results of the calculation of each t-count, physical work environment (5,787) is greater than the value of t-count of communication (2,730).

The study concludes that physical working environment and communication have an effect on employees’ performance at PT. Sumatera Berlian Motors.

Kata Kunci: physical working environment and communication have an effect on employees’ performance