The Contribution of Agriculture Sector to the Economic Development (Case Study: North Sumatera)

Global Advanced Research Journal (ISSN: 2315-5094) Vol. 4(11) pp. 769-774

Rabu, 09 November 2016 10:31 | Sudah dibaca 933 kali

The agricultural sector is a very large sector in contributing to economic development in the Province of North Sumatera, where it can be seen from the results of the analysis used by the Method Location Quotient (LQ). The Provincial Government of North Sumatera is necessary to give attention to development in the agricultural sector by using a strategy of development in the agricultural sector. Besides the agricultural sector, the industrial sector is also important to be the leading sectors in North Sumatera province where agriculture and industrial sectors have a very close relationship that can influence together on economic development in the Province of North Sumatera. However, based on the calculation method of the Location Quotient (LQ) for the industrial sector only amounted to 0.9, which means that the industrial sector is not a sector of a base in the province of North Sumatera. Based on the calculation method ol the Location Quotient (LQ) are some of the leading sectors in the province of North Sumatera, namely: agriculture at 1.5, the construction sector at 1.2, hotel and restaurant trade sector at 1 .1, transport and communication sector amounted to 1 , 1 as well as the services sector of 1 .1 .

Kata Kunci: Agriculture and Economic Development