Characteristics of the Future Oriented Leader

Prosiding Seminar International: Mencari Pemimpin Yang Ideal, Aula SMK Negeri 1 Medan, 06 Oktober 2012

Rabu, 09 November 2016 11:28 | Sudah dibaca 1009 kali

For every leader in carrying out their duties on the future course based on the vision and mission that makes hopes and expectations on the leadership of the organization in the future. Vision and Mission is the key to a person's early success as a leader because leadership foundation implement that goal would be achieved in the future. Certainly the attitude of the leader is expected to determine the consistency and commitment to what the objectives of the leaders in an opportunity as a leader within the organization. Characteristics of the leader will influence subordinates in carrying out their duties to influence subordinates in carrying out the activities of the organization in the future so that the achievement of these goals can be obtained. Future leaders must be prepared early by any company through increased education and a good experience to meet the challenges in the future so as to avoid failures in running leadership management organization.

Kata Kunci: Characteristics of Leaders, Future