Leader of The character

Proceeding International Seminar: The Characteristic of Leadership, University of Sisingamangaraja XII

Rabu, 09 November 2016 11:34 | Sudah dibaca 1014 kali

In the organization needed a leader who is able to govern the operations of the organization in order to achieve the stated goals the organization. The presence of a leader is certainly a leader of character who has the foresight to empower the potential that exists within the organization so what is the purpose of the organization can be achieved. The leader character has a way of thinking and behaving that are good role models in the organization so that goal can be directed subordinates to work together in a way.

The future of the organization determined that one of them is a leader with vision and a good character to realize the organization's future and the future of their subordinates in the organization.

The leader character in addition to having a clear vision and mission as well to be honest, fair, firm, innovation, broad-minded, intelligent and have a high motivation so as to direct the organization in achieving existing objectives.

Kata Kunci: Leader, Character