Visionary Leadership Position in Increasing Productivity

Proceeding: International Seminar and Call for Papers "Strategic Leadership: Green Management", Auditorium Mercu Buana University, 12 December 2012

Rabu, 09 November 2016 12:43 | Sudah dibaca 1049 kali

Leadership style a leader will affect the behavior and attitude changes that afect the performance of the leaders in pedorming their duties.

Each of the activities undertaken by the organizatio's human resources in the organization so that resources are managed in an effort to create a high organizational productivity.

Overall activity in the organization is the actualization of the attitudes and characteristics of leadership in its function as a leader.

Visionary leadership is a necessity for any organization today because working would increase the empowerment of all available resources within the organization.

The future is uncertain so it should be anticipated early on circumstances that will come so that visionary leadership is prepared to meet the challenges of the future.

Visionary leadership will be able to increase the productivity of the organization's work as a sense of responbility for Ieadership on organizational conditions in the future.

Kata Kunci: Attitude Leadership, Visionary, Productivity, Improvement